Student Solution


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Lab 13_Clay

Lab 13_Clay

Q Pre-Lab Questions 1. Arrange the following molecules from least to most specific with respect to the original nucleotide sequence: RNA, DNA, Amino Acid, Protein. 2. Identify two structural differences between DNA and RNA.3. Suppose you are performing an experiment in which you must use heat to denature a double helix and create two single stranded pieces. Based on what you know about nucleotide bonding, do you think the nucleotides will all denature at the same time? Use scientific reasoning to explain why.3. Using the sentence from exercise 21B: a. Change the 24th bead to a different color. What does the sentence say now (re-read the entire sentence)? Does the sentence still make sense? b. Replace the 24th bead and remove the 20th bead (remember what was there). What does the sentence say (re-read the entire sentence)? Does the sentence still make sense? If it doesn’t make sense as a sentence, are there any words that do? If so, what words still make sense?

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Ans: DNA, RNA, Amino acid, ProteinAns: DNA is a double and stranded helical structure where RNA is single stranded and non-helical.Ans: No, all nucleotides will not be denatured at same time as there are three hydrogen bond in between C and G and two hydrogen bond in between A and T. So cytosine guanine bond will take more time than A and T.